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Turandot pear

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.
Круша сорт Турандот има афинитет към дюля. Средно растящо дърво, с много добра плодовитост и постоянна производителност. Умерен цъфтеж. Плодовете узряват около 15-25 юли. Средно едри плодове с нормална крушовидна форма.

PEARS Santa Maria

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.
The fruits ripen around July 15-20, it is an early variety. Fruiting is abundant. The variety is characterized by the fact that the fruits stay on the tree and do not drip, like some other varieties. The fruits are very large, yellow and have a red decoration, on the side where the sun's rays shine more on them.


Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.
This pear variety originates in Italy. A normal growing tree, with moderate flowering. Resistant variety to winter frosts and spring, late frosts. Good fruiting with constant productivity. They ripen in the second ten days of August.

Carmen pear

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.
Carmen pear is a strong growing tree. It ripens in the first ten days of August. Flowering is medium early and is not affected by late spring frosts. It has a good affinity for quince pads. Pollinators for it are William's buttercup, tosca, conference, etc.

Asian pear Nashi

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.

Pears Williams

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.01 €.
Ripening period: 15-20.08 Flowering: medium late Pollinators: Hardie buttercup, Pas Krasan Fruits: large, dull pear-shaped

Pears Pas Krasan

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.
Paz Krasan Ripening period: 05-10.10 Flowering: medium early Pollinators: Boskova Maslovska, Gifardova Maslovka

Pears Conference

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.
Conference: Ripening period: 15-25.09 Flowering: medium late Pollinators: Vilyamova Maslovka, Boskova Maslovka Fruits: medium-sized, juicy, sweet, slightly sour

Abbot Fetel pears

Original price was: 2.50 €.Current price is: 2.00 €.
Abbot Fettel Ripening period: 15-20.09 Flowering: late Pollinators: Pas Kasan, Vilyamova Maslovka Fruits: large, asymmetrical